Berufliche Schule für Sozialwesen in Pankow
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Native English speaking apprentice for 20-24h/week

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Anzeigennr.: 1661244034
Art: biete
Standort: 10559 Berlin
Angemeldet seit: 23.08.2022
Art: Gewerblich
Telefonnr.: k.A.
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Weitere Daten / Beschreibung

Our "SpielRaum-Kindergarten“ with children aged from 1-6 is looking for you: a native English speaking apprentice for 20-24 hours (traineeship with on-the-job training) beginning from now on.

You can expect a competent, multiprofessional, diverse team with a great working atmosphere, in which everyone’s work is important. You have the opportunity to participate and bring your own talents and interests into the daily work with the children. The main focus of the work is (democratic) participation of the children, inclusion, commitment in the social area and sustainability with a clear no to consumerism, xenophobia, homophobia and discrimination of any kind.

We offer you an attractive salary, systematic training, company pension scheme, regional shopping vouchers, team events, health-promoting measures as well as a Kita place for your child/children in one of our SpielRaum-Kitas (subject to availability) and much more.

We expect a pedagogical attitude that fits our concept and mission statement. English is your mother-tongue and additionally you have a good understanding of German (B2 level or higher), or you have grown up bilingually, speaking German and English. You are willing to get to know the Berlin educational program (Berliner Bildungsprogramm) and you have the motivation to work accordingly to it. Ideally, you have experience in working with children. You take initiative and have a hands-on attitude.

Have we sparked your interest? Then let"s find out in an interview whether we"re a good match. We are looking forward to hearing from you!

Please send us your application via email to Ms. Domanska at

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